Create Your Own Run Club

Start your journey as a run club organizer. Build a community, inspire others, and share your passion for running.

Why Create a Run Club?

  • Foster a supportive community of runners
  • Organize regular group runs and events
  • Share your favorite routes and running spots
  • Motivate others to achieve their fitness goals
  • Create lasting friendships through shared interests

What You'll Need:

  • A catchy name for your club
  • A brief description of your club's focus and goals
  • Your preferred meeting location(s)
  • Information about your typical runs (distance, pace, etc.)
  • A cover image to represent your club (optional)


Get your clubs verified and access premium features

  • Verified club tick
  • Increased club exposure
  • Club cover image
  • Featured club listing
  • Increased image uploading on clubs
  • All future premium updates